November’s monthly performance across all my listed investments was +1.20%. YTD of 8.45%.
Top 5 company holdings: $MEGP, $CAML, $RIO, $INPP, $BATS. The REITS income fund has ended the month up 1.77%. GOLD and SILVER ETC holdings were up 0.29%. Fund of funds up 2.54%.
A good month and if December plays ball and we have the usual Santa Rally it could be a great end to the year.
It’s sad that the UK is closed for business at the moment with the government seemingly doing everything it can to reduce investment, reduce employment, reduce profits and reduce entrepreneurship.
But I am trying to be stoic and positive about it, I will of course always voice my concerns and opinions (even if no one listens) but a good entrepreneur and investor just has to try and profit from the madness and accept the way the world is and not the way you wish it was.
With that in mind I am investing more into international companies with less exposure to the UK. Even if they are UK listed one of the big ticks is that the majority of their business and employees are outside of the UK.
Also looking into investments that will save businesses money, such as the National Insurance increase and help them reduce employment costs. AI will massively help with that and will ultimately take a lot of jobs… which is what makes Rachel Thieves decision to raise the taxes on employing people even more crazy given the AI/Automation threat.
In terms of the UK markets I saw a piece in the news from the co-founder of fintech Revolut talking about their upcoming IPO plans that sums the UK market up quite well.
Speaking on the 20VC podcast, he said it was less attractive to list in London because of the 0.5% tax rate on most transactions when people buy shares in the UK.
"The problem with the UK is, if you think about it versus the US, it is much more illiquid, and trading in the US is free… so I just don't understand how the product which is being provided by the UK can compete with the product that is being provided by the US.”
In better news, I do get the hint that the current government is starting to see some of the issues they are causing and are softening their stances… hopefully some common sense starts to come out and they go a bit less socialist and a bit more capitalist.
I saw today for example that they are now openly talking about nuclear power which is good and also have ever so slightly moved their crazy net zero targets down a bit.
The secret to economic growth is simply cheap energy, good infrastructure and of course low tax and regulation. If we can nail those the future looks bright.